Meditation Lecture// June 2, 2016– Hapag-Lloyd AG Co.Ltd., Germany

On Thursday, June 2, 2016, Ven. Sander Khemadhammo, the monastic lecturer from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux, traveled to Hapag-Lloyd AG Co.Ltd. to educate the executive officer and staffs of finance department about meditation. Hapag-Lloyd AG Co. Ltd. Is a large transportation company, internationally renowned, located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, one of the world’s largest pier, and the company’s headquarter is located in Germany.

Meditation Lecture// June 2, 2016-- Hapag-Lloyd AG Co.Ltd., Germany

            This activity was participated by 14 people who were brought in by Mr. Christian (husband of a merit leader of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux). Mr. Christian has broad work experience throughout the world and more importantly, he is the chief of the finance department of the company that invited friends and coworkers to practice meditation this time.

The teaching monk gave some recommendations about basic meditation techniques and mentioned about the nature of the mind that “A human mind naturally swings around, wanders and thinks of different things; therefore, we must train our minds in order to gain happiness in our lives.” The company’s employees who participated in this activity became so impressed and joyful; especially, when they closed their eyes to practice meditation along with the teaching monk’s voice while he was leading meditation. Some just wanted to sit comfortably on the floor of the conference room and received a different atmosphere.

Meditation Lecture// June 2, 2016-- Hapag-Lloyd AG Co.Ltd., Germany

Meditation Lecture// June 2, 2016-- Hapag-Lloyd AG Co.Ltd., Germany

            After the meditation session, many people were interested in Dhamma Medias “Meditation guidance in Dutch” by Ven. Ruben Visalo since they could use these medias to practice meditation at home. Mr. Christian also has a determination to invite monks from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux continuously because he believes that mental development is a key tool for self-development, which can affect the progress of people’s work.

Meditation Lecture// June 2, 2016-- Hapag-Lloyd AG Co.Ltd., Germany

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