In our daily lives, an array of problems of varying degrees correlating to our family circumstance, profession, education, and responsibilities can arise. When faced with problems, the methods people employed to solve them may differ according to their experience and familiarity, and with outcomes that are never predictable. However, if we are trained to examine problems with a still mind, we will be able to clearly identify their origin. This skill can be developed through the practice of meditation.
whether we work at an office or are self-employed; our status – a housewife or a student; and our religious affiliation. Meditation is not limited to age or gender and can be easily practiced by any individual.
How meditation changed my life
Dr.Michael Nobel’s Endorsement
at the Dhammakaya Meditation Hall
on 10th October 2008

Mr. Wren Mast-Ingle (South Africa)
“Through meditation I have been regenerated in mind, body and being. I see things and people as I have never seen them before. The scientific community has defined us as manifestations of vibrations. In fact all physical matter is no more than denser oscillations of cellular activity.”

Ms.Lauren (South Africa)
"Meditation is a retreat from a noisy world. A retreat that is calm and serene. I get a feeling of happiness and joy from this space which over time, quite unconsciously made me choose calm and peace in all situations of my life. Regular meditation creates a space between me and the world around me. That space, that pause has given me an objectivity I lacked."

Mr. Koichi Enomoto (Japan)
“My daughter is a kid and likes tohave fun just like other kids, yet shefollows her mother to the MeditationCentre. She has improved on herself andI’m impressed. She loves and respectsher mother and father very much. I feelthat my wife is like a friend, a co-workerand an advisor to me. We have the samegoal and I would like to walk along withher, hand in hand towards reaching thatgoal.”

Mr. Anant Asavabhokhin (Thailand)
“When I brought meditation to my work life, everything changed. In the past, I always attempted to perform at the level of one hundred percent. But when I spoke, I could accomplish only half of what I wanted; and when I attempted to implement my ideas, I accomplished even less. But once I gained control over my mind, everything changed. When my goal was to perform at one hundred percent, I was able to achieve twice as much while talking, and far more in results.”

Ms. Supatra Phuripanyo (Thailand)
“I continued to meditate everyday. Day after day, others around me noticed a change in me. My boss asked what had happened; why was I not arguing with him as I had before? My subordinate asked me why I looked more relaxed and was easier to approach.”

Ms. Khamnoi Saengjai (Thailand)
“When I met with the accident, I lost both my legs and my husband. At that moment, I felt like I had lost verything. It was difficult to accept, but I still had meditation as my refuge. I did not abandon my meditation. Although I cannot meditate on the floor, I can do it on the wheelchair or the bed every single day. My mind is so accustomed to the practice of meditation at all times.”

Mr. Farid (Iran)
“I have now learned that meditation can truly help everyone. People lack a peaceful and happy mind. It is not only people involved in wars who lack a happy and peaceful mind, but also every person in this world.”

Ms. Ann Barton (Australia)
“I gained a new life by practicing meditation. Meditation is a refuge for me. I often see the bright golden Buddha image within me; it is a warm-hearted feeling. Happiness from meditation has replaced the loss of my beloved. I can now stand on my own.”

Mr. Richard Braun (Germany)
“Meditation to attain the Dhammakaya has restrained me from having bad thoughts. When I have bad thoughts, I can clear them out very quickly before I end up feeling sorry about doing bad deeds or saying bad words. I have quit smoking, permanently. My wife and I are more at peace. We care for each other more deeply than before.”

Mr. Leon Bourne (United Kingdom)
“I have noticed some side effects from meditation. I used to drink heavily, now I don’t. I used to take drugs and smoke, now I don’t. I used to be prone to anger, now I am not. My life used to be full of stress and problems, now I deal with those problems and keep stress to a minimum.”

Dr. Aaron Stern, Ph.D. (U.S.A.)
“My two daughters were born during my doctoral program and despite the joy they gave both my wife and I, all parents know the amount of time and energy required for child-rearing. Meditation helped me maintain my patience when handling the strain of a temper tantrum, a near sleepless night tending to a sick child and many other responsibilities associated with parenthood.”

Mr. Andrew Cowan (U.S.A.)
“I believe meditation has helped with my work and allowed me to have empathy with other people. I feel that, by meditating, I have been able to more fully understand myself. This has allowed me to fully relate with patients, many of whom have problems which go beyond disease, and enter into the realm of the mind.”

Ms. Pat Goski (U.S.A.)
“Sometimes while I meditate, I can feel a tremendous flow of loving-kindness within me. When preading this lovingkindness and good wishes limitlessly to everyone and everywhere, I can feel the warm-heartedness that it creates. Meditation has helped me find lovingkindness, healing, and peace.”

Dr. JoAnn Borda Sainz, Ph.D (U.S.A.)
“I want to share the fact that Dhammakaya meditation offers a quick and non-complicated vehicle to pursue inner happiness and peace and a change of outlook on life and mankind, an outlook of hope and peace.”

Venerable Paul Silasangvaro (U.S.A.)
“I have learned to respect and to understand people with different perspectives. My relationship with my co-workers has improved tremendously. I have used meditation, as a manager, to resolve problems at work. I found that if I took the time to refresh my mind, I would spend less time fixing things and I would work more effectively. Instead of eating or shopping to forget about problems, as I used to do, I now meditate to relax and to find more creative ways to resolve problems.”

Reverend Richard Salvatore Esposito Ph. B, LOCM (U.S.A.)
“Meditation slowly transforms sorrow into happiness and peace! And even as I write this, I have come to understand and experience a real peace of mind and a sustained happiness. That sense of guilt is gone and in its place is peace, a very real peace, a peace “that surpasses conventional wisdom and understanding.”

Mr. Howard McCrary (U.S.A.)
“After I learned about meditation, I think meditation allows us to know that, “You and I are one”. The love from within fulfills us and makes us united. There is no “You” nor “I” but a “We” where we have each other. I believe that meditation will bring the ultimate world peace that everyone has been searching for.”