The 3rd World Peace Light Bangkok // April 17, 2016—Benjasiri Park, Bangkok

world peace light in Bkk

During Songkran Festival on Sunday April 17th, 2016 in the heart of Bangkok, there was a Morning Alms Round to 111 monks at Benjasiri Park.  About 500 laypeople, both Thai and foreigners, participated in the ceremony.  The Monastic President arrived at the Center of Ceremonies at 6:30 a.m. and led the laypeople to worship the Triple Gems.

world peace light in Bangkok

Dr. Pornchai Pinyapong honored to be the Laity President.  The meritorious activities were taking an oath to be Buddhist, requesting the 5 precepts, meditation, offering meals to the monks, offering alms and making wishes.  The Monastic President gave blessings in Pali and then the monks lined up to receive the alms from the laypeople in the Morning Alms Round.  The congregation was happy to make merit in Thai New Year Day.

morning alms round in world peace light, BKK

meditating in world peace light

The Ceremonies of Lighting the Light of Peace that was organized by the Sun of Peace Institute began at 4:00 p.m.  It started with the Thai blessing dance.  After that the monks chanted the Buddha’s Mantra and the Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta verse then released the balloons of peace, on which the participants wrote blessings.

released the balloon of peace

Later, the Monastic President lit the “Light of Peace” lantern as well as the congregation, led them to mediate and make wishes in Thai and English.  They closed the event by the Thai Custom Show.  Each participant smiled and went back home happily.

light the light of peace lantern

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