Thai-Cooking Course and Meditation— Dhammakaya Meditation Center, Taipei, Taiwan

The Dhammakaya Meditation Center, Taipei, Taiwan set up a Thai-cooking course. 13 Taiwanese students, who were interested in the Thai culture, attended the event. Many activities were arranged that included: how to bow to monks, Thai cooking class (Pad-Ka-Praow). Then, everyone had lunch. After lunch, the attendees listened to the Dhammar sermon from the instructor monk. Subsequently, the attendees stilled their mind, and the instructor monk taught them meditation-for-beginners. At the end of the event, souvenirs were given out.



   The Taiwanese students were having fun and enjoyed making Thai food. Many had never visited the Thai temple before—there were really excited. They were impressed with the meditation, and felt grateful for having attended the event. The attendees expressed their interest to join the upcoming event next month, this time the attendees will learn how to make Krathong.


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