Peace Mission @Alabama USA

Venerable Dr. Nicholas Thanissaro visited Mobile, Alabama in USA to spread peace and teach meditation to over 200 people.

Venerable Nicholas gave a free public lecture at the University of South Alabama on Aug 24, 2017. He lectured on ‘The Eightfold Path: Integrating Meditation into Daily Life.’ This lecture was attended by about 180 students, health professionals and professors from the community. The lecture was very well received and many students who had never meditated before learned how to find inner peace and happiness through meditation, along with how to lead their lives in a more positive and meaningful way.

Venerable Nicholas led a 3 Day Meditation Retreat at the Meditation Center of Alabama from Aug 25-27, 2017. This lecture was attended by approximately 30-35 people each day.

Throughout the retreat there were meditation sessions, dharma talks, alms offering ceremonies, yoga & qigong sessions, group discussions and a candlelight ceremony for world peace. Participants all had an amazing time and learned about life changing topics such as the ten ways to cultivate good deeds, the law of karma, the 10 perfections, forgiveness, and how to get out of your head and into your life. Each dharma talk generated an abundance of questions and discussion.

All participants found inner peace and happiness and ended the retreat by spreading loving kindness, lighting candles and making a collective wish for world peace.

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