New Year Alms Offering, Manchester, UK

The monks from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester were invited to be meritorious fields in the Morning Alms Round in honor of New Year’s Day in Manchester’s China Town on Monday January 2nd, 2018.

Even though the weather was very cold and the rain sprinkled, it was not an obstacle for making merit. Thai, Chinese, Scott, and local laypeople made merit happily to welcome the New Year. There were some local V-Star children helping the monks to transfer monastic bowls.

It was a rare scene that it made onlookers and participants become more faithful. It showed that Buddhism has been spread there and it is a nice way to keep Buddhist Customs.

There was a Spanish family nearby our meritorious activity when the ceremony was nearly finished. We persuaded them to offer alms to the monks together. It was another notable scene.

After that the monks gave blessings and they took some group photos together. They all were very happy.

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