IDOP Ordination Ceremony// Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux

There was an Ordination Ceremony for 25 dhammakayadas from 11 countries in Europe, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Benelux

The ceremony began at 9:00 a.m., where the ordinands and laypeople circumambulated the Main Buddhist Chapel.

Later, the ordinands performed the Ceremonies of Paying Respect to the Monastic Boundary and the Main Buddha Image, Apologizing for their Parents and the Novice Ordination in the late morning.  The Abbot of Dhammakaya International Meditation Center Phravidesabhavanacan was the Preceptor.

The Ordination of 25 novices was held in the afternoon.  The ceremony finished at 4:00 p.m. and the new monks took some group photos with the Preceptor, the monks, and laypeople.

The European ordinands come from 11 countries which are Denmark, England, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and France.  The atmosphere throughout the day was full of joy.

Everybody was overwhelmed with happiness when they saw their descendants wearing saffron robes.  Most importantly, the ordinands are the locals who want to study Buddhism deeper.

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