Basic Meditation Course at the Japanese Meditation Village, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Tochigi

Mindfulness meditation is becoming more popular among the Japanese. Wat Phra Dhammakaya Tochigi arranged another Basic Meditation Course for locals. Meditating surrounded by nature is the highlight of the Japanese Meditation Village. Venerable Phra Somkiet Punyatacho, Phra Teerawat Chayateero and Phra Banjong Punyachayo guided seven Japanese participants to meditate from 9-10 September 2017.

Besides meditation, there were other activities for everyone to enjoy, for example Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta chanting, learning Thai Buddhist Culture, morning alms offering, and morning exercise.

The teaching monks kindly taught about the two causes of suffering.

First, a pessimistic outlook on life. Negative energies attract a negative reality. If you are depressed, you end up attracting more reasons and situations to feel depressed about.

Second, self-dissatisfaction. Therefore, the true wealthy one is one who is content with what they have.

Meditation is the easiest way to purify our negative thoughts, greed, and desire. The natural and peaceful environment allowed participants to feel relaxed. Everyone was able to reconnect themselves with their inner self.  They gained a better perspective of Buddhist meditation and intended to apply it to their daily lives.

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