Public Lecture and Meditation Retreat// Jan.19-22, 2017– University of South Alabama and Alabama Meditation Center

Between January 19-22, 2017, Ms. Sivaporn and Ms Sirina Nimityongskul from Alabama invited Venerable Dr. Nicholas Thanissaro to host a public lecture and 3 day meditation retreat for the community.

             On Thursday, January 19th,  Ven. Nicholas gave a public lecture at the University of South Alabama on ‘Nipping Anger in the Bud.’  About 90 students and professionals came to learn how to meditate, and learn how to reduce the anger in their minds.

             Venerable Nicholas taught a 3 day meditation retreat at the Meditation Center of Alabama from Jan 20-22. The retreat was attended by approximately 30 people each day. Experienced and beginning meditators came to experience deep stillness and peace with the Venerable. During this retreat, participants learned about  Artful Speech, Mental barriers impeding your dreams, Hindrances in Meditation, Virtuous friends, 40 types of meditation techniques, and Buddhist Feng Shui. All participants were able to relax, experience peace and many saw the light within. The retreat ended with a candlelight ceremony for world peace.

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