Meditation and Dharma Class : August 6, 2017, Tokyo, Japan

The Thai Buddhist Meditation Center in Tokyo, Japan arranged a meditation class and taught dharma in Japanese on the topic of “How to live happily” taught by Phra Thanawut Tissaro on Sunday August 6, 2017.

First, the teaching monk explained how to live happily according to the Buddha’s teachings, and how to maintain that happiness.  Afterwards the teaching monk played a funny video which showed how laughter can keep happy at all times.

Then, the teaching monk led the participatns  to meditate and relax their minds from all duties.  They gradually placed their minds at the center of the body and purified their minds together for 30 minutes.

Next, the participants made a donation and received some tokens from the teaching monk.  Finally, they ended this meritorious class with a special dharma talk.

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