Merit Making Activities and Meditation, Bryanston, Johannesburg

On March 11, Mr. Mikkel Krantz, the sales and marketing director of the affiliated corporation of Minor Hotel Group, the owner of more than 150 branches of hotels and resorts worldwide, invited 3 monks from Wat Phra Dhammakaya Johanesburg, South Africa, to the new office of the corporation for merit-making activities and a special meditation session.


The monks also gave an instruction on the topic of “Dhamma for business people and Buddhist cultures that bring success to the corporation” to the executive and 25 staff at Minor Hotel Group located in Bryanstan, Johannesburg. The activities started with the precept and Dhamma requests, followed by chanting from the monastic community, then food-offering ceremony, and Phrakhru Bhavanakhunvites, the abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Johannesburg, led the staff from South Africa to meditate for 30 minutes. Everyone was happy and impressed with the activities.


Then, the monk delivered a congratulatory message to the corporation for their new beautiful office, suitable for working. He also talked about the principles to build auspiciousness among the corporation and the important roles that all business people and staff need to do in order to become professional like businesspeople in the Buddhist era, i.e. Practice professionalism by enhancing working skills and practice merit making through donation, precept observance and meditation, which helps decrease work-related problems and harmonized people to work together with peace. He also gave blessing in Pali and English. After that, they participated in offering food to monks.

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