Vesak Celebration in Mongolia at Zuun Khuree Dashchoilin Monastery

Mongolia government, in collaboration with the Peaceful Mind Foundation, Dhammakaya Mongolia, and Wisdom Power Foundation, held the 17th Vesak celebration on Thursday, May 23, 2567 B.E. (2024), at 18:00 local time at the historic Zuun Khuree Dashchoilin Monastery in Ulaanbaatar. This monastery, approximately 200 years old, is a significant landmark in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
The event began with a welcome speech by the Chief Abbot, Venerable Dambajav Choijinjav, PhD. Following this, Phrakhruwithetwachirasobhit (Chanwit Varavijjo), abbot of Dhammakaya Mongolia read a message from the President of the Dhammakaya Foundation. The monks and attendees then chanted the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta in Pali language, followed by the chanting of Mongolian-language Prajñāpāramitā Sutta. The ceremony included the lighting of 1,117 Vesak lanterns, meditation practice, and the spreading of loving-kindness and merit-dedicating activities.

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