The 19th International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP-Chinese 19)

The 19th International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP-Chinese 19)
in 2567 B.E.(2024) at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand

is organized from July 1-30, 2567 B.E.(2024), with participants from various countries and regions as follows:
Singapore: 16 participants
Taiwan: 8 participants
Malaysia: 15 participants
China: 15 participants
Hong Kong: 1 participant
Total: 55 participants
Many have laid aside their worldly missions, carrying simple belongings and the desire to study the true meaning of life in order to apply the principles of Buddhism to their daily lives.

The atmosphere at the training site is filled with the energy of happiness. Everyone is determined to train themselves to become true monks through the activities arranged by the project team. Outside, they undergo the Five Universal Goodness (UG5) training, emphasizing on cleanliness and orderliness. Inside, their minds are bright from meditation training. “Clean outside, bright inside, a happy team.” (Group unity brings happiness).

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