On Friday August 12, 2016, Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov, Denmark welcomed some locals living around the area who are interested in learning about meditation. It started off with introduction, a quick history of Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov, and Buddhism. Afterwards, the staff led everyone in yoga in order to relax their body before Ven. Narongchai Thanchayo led them in chanting and explained about meditation for beginners. After he finished explaining, he led everyone in a guided meditation session. Everyone felt peaceful that they were able to experience happiness within and hope to practice meditation everyday and even try to invite their friends and family to come to Wat Phra Dhammakaya Korsør Lystskov to learn and practice meditation. Lastly, the Ven. monk handed out CDs of guided meditation in Danish and got to go on a tour of the temple. Everyone went home with a better understanding of the temple and Buddhism.