On Friday May 20, 2016, the Georgia Meditation Center organized an International Vesak Day Celebration. Before the ceremony, the lay devotees helped prepare for the event. The event began at 7pm local time with lighting the ceremonial candle followed by the Dhammajak Verse chanting and meditation in order to purify their minds before the big merit of Vesak. After the chanting and meditation, Mr. Michael Howard gave a welcome speech. Then กัลฯแพง อินทรักษา and กัลฯเพชรสาคร เมฆดารา were the representatives of the lay devotees to pledge the verse to offer the Vesak lanterns. Representatives got to offer the Vesak candles to the monastic community and received it from the presiding monk to light the main Vesak lantern. The meditation room was lit up with beautiful candle light as the monks and lay devotees at GMC came together to celebrate Vesak Day. Many locals were impressed with this event and one of the locals said that she has never been apart of an event like this before so she thought it was powerful. This event was peaceful and made an impression on many that got the chance to attend.