The Right Practice
Table of Contents

The Right Balance
You have to adjust both the body and mind every time you meditate by observing what is best for you, i.e., try adjusting the body and the mind to find the right balance, which is the feeling of spacious, lightness, no stress, and satisfaction. Keep that feeling with you without worrying about anything. Soon, that right balance will bring your mind to become still and brightness will naturally appear.
March 31, 1992

Neutral Feeling
Based on the Middle Way principle, you must keep the mind neutral, paying no attention to what you experience. Just keep the mind still and neutral as if you were not doing anything. Then, your practice of meditation will progress.
March 27, 1996

Relaxed Body and Calm Mind
While meditating, just sit comfortably and keep your mind calm and still. Then, think of the center of the body attentively at all times. Nothing in this world is as important as the center of the body. Think about it gently and relaxingly. When you feel satisfied and feel like keeping a certain state of the mind for a long time, such state is the relaxed state. At this point, there is no tension at all. If your body becomes tense, then it is the wrong way. This is the check point.
April 13, 1992

Relaxed State of the Mind
e relaxation, brightness, Dhamma Sphere, Inner Bodies, and the Dhammakaya will appear by themselves. Just stop the mind to a standstill. Stop your mind from wandering will lead to success. This is an expressway that allows us to attain the Triple Gem within. Therefore, do not ask yourself which feeling is relaxation. Just keep your mind still. Relaxed state of the mind will happen by itself.
July 23, 2002

Fine Chef
Keep your mind still, soft and gentle continually. Just that. Don’t do anything else. Then, your mind will evolve and become more refined, like a fine chef delicately adjusting the tastes to create delicious dishes. For the mind to be adjusted and refined, just keep it still softly, gently, and relaxingly.
April 22, 2002

Doctoral Level of Dhamma Attainment
To keep observing is to keep the mind still. If you can clearly see the Sphere and keep the mind still at its center, soon you will attain the inner refuge and regard and achieve the doctoral level of Dhamma attainment. Before earning a doctoral degree from an academic institute, one has to complete several tasks such as conducting research, making analysis, making presentation, writing articles, and so on for several years. In contrast, to achieve a doctoral level of Dhamma attainment, one does not have to do anything else besides keeping the mind still correctly.
January 26, 2002

Loosen up Your Mind
Do not worry whether it is dark or bright inside. Just keep your mind loosen up, similar to the feeling of wearing a loose outfit that makes you feel comfortable. You have to keep our mind loose, still, soft, delicate, calm, pure, and bright. That’s it. Gradually, the mind will evolve to the right balance.
April 22, 2002

Reciting the Mantra
When reciting the mantra “Samma Arahang” during your meditation, do not recite it with effort. You should think of the mantra softly and delicately with ease, similar to the way your favorite music or chanting echoing in your mind without thinking about it at all.
January 1, 2002

When the Mind Becomes Still, Recitation of the Mantra Goes Away
While keeping your mind still, your recitation of the Mantra may drop and go away as if you forgot to do it. As long as your mind does not wander around and wants to stay still at the center of a bright sphere in your stomach at the width of two fingers above the navel, there is no need to recite the Mantra. Just continue keeping the mind still, soft, and gentle relaxingly.
April 22, 2002

Relaxation Is a Must
In order to attain the Dhammakaya, the mind must become “still”. To reach stillness, you must keep your mind relaxed, pure, bright and clear. By letting go of everything, the mind will become still at the center, returning to its original position, which is the seventh base. Whenever you can bring your mind back to the original position, you will attain the Dhammakaya.
January 10, 1999

Don't Worry
When you have body pain, you may change your meditation posture. Don’t worry about your body. You should focus on keeping the mind still. You are not in a competition nor to train for endurance. You are in the process of training the mind to reach stillness. Don’t pay attention to the movement of your physical body.
March 31, 1992

Just Unwind. Wandering Thoughts Will Be Gone
It does not mean that you are hopeless if your mind still wanders around with different thoughts. Just let it pass. Don’t go against it. There is no point in trying to stop a rushing river with a boat. Otherwise, you may be stressful. Don’t be annoyed and don’t worry. Just unwind. Wandering thoughts will finally go away.
March 31, 1992

Don't Be Overdetermined
There is no need to be overdetermined on meditation practice. Everyone has the center of body and the Dhammakaya within. Everyone has a mind to reach the center of the body. The only thing left is to do it right, i.e., to relax your body and keep your mind still at the center of the body. Don’t worry about how long it will take to calm the mind. Just keep your mind at the center of your body. If you feel tense or stressful, you may open your eyes, think of something refreshing such as nature, flower, wholesomeness, virtue, children’s innocence or comforting matters. When the mind becomes relaxed, you can then gradually return to the center of the body.
April 13, 1992

It Is Fine If You Cannot Visualize a Meditation Object
It is fine if you cannot visualize a meditation object. Just keep the mind still. Some people can hardly visualize the object while some can moderately do it. There are only a few that can visualize the object for 80-90% clarity, like bringing a photocopy of a crystal sphere into their minds. They are those who practiced meditation and accumulated merits in many previous lives. With the power of accumulated merits, it is easy for them to clearly visualize the meditation object. It’s individual capability.
April 22, 2002

The Real Task
Training the mind to become still is the duty of everyone and the real task of all mankind because it’s the only way to dispel doubts and discover the truths. Every Buddha did the same thing in order to attain enlightenment, insight and wisdom on all matters and beings.
July 5, 1998

When the Mind Becomes Refined
After you meditate until the mind becomes refined and still, you will be more astonished because the mind is transformed from a coarse to subtle state, from an impure to purer state. You will see the original path of life, i.e., sequentially seeing the Dhamma Sphere, Body in Body, Sensation (Vedana) in Sensation, Mind in Mind, and Dhamma in Dhamma of the inner life, assembled at the middle of the body at the same point like the way eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are together on the face. Starting from the Dhamma Sphere and sequentially Body in Body, you will see the Tathagata. As the Buddha said, “Whoever sees the Dhamma, that person sees me, the Tathagata.”
April 1, 2001

Majjhima Patipada
The journey to the ultimate goal of life that will lead one to be free from defilements starts with meditation. Meditation will help you still the mind and hence reaches the source of inner purity. Stillness brings success. Stillness purifies the mind. You can attain purity when the mind becomes still at the seventh base located at the center of the body. You will see purity occurring there. Your mind will be so bright and clear that nothing in the entire world can be matched, not even the brightness of the midday sun. The inner brightness of the mind comes with happiness. It is the brightness of purity. At that point, your mind will be effective, independent, and yourself, not being controlled by anyone or anything. Furthermore, it is the source of true happiness that never ends nor changes. At the seventh base located at the center of the body, the purification of the mind occurs. It is the starting point for the journey to Nibbana and the Ultimate Dhamma within. It is the point where all the Buddhas and Arhats began their journey to attain purity. By keeping the mind there, they found the Middle Way within, which is the Path of Purity (Visuddhimagga), the path of the noble ones called the “Noble Eightfold Path”, and the inner middle path known as “Majjhima Patipada” in the middle of the body. This is the starting point for purity.
April 1, 2001

Why the center of body seven ? You Really Want to End Suffering
If you really want to end suffering, you must practice the Eightfold Path starting from Right View. The first seven practice cannot end suffering but will be a driving force for one to reach the eighth practice, which is Right Concentration. Right concentration can help one end suffering. In simple words, you have to meditate in order to achieve Right Concentration. The mind must return to the body and become detached from all matters. When the mind and body are united at the right position, you start your inner journey and will be able to end suffering, like a skilled driver, sitting at the right position behind the steering wheel, drives the car to destination. The right position for the mind, discovered by the Lord Buddha in the full-moon night of the sixth lunar month, is the seventh base which is at the width of two fingers above the navel in the center of the body. If the mind is kept at a wrong position, you will not be able to achieve the final goal, in the same way that a driver sitting at a wrong position in the car cannot bring the vehicle to destination. All the Knowledgeable, the Awakened, or the Blessed ones took the same inner path at the right position until attaining the Triple Gem within.
April 6, 2008

Life Secret
After attaining the Triple Gem within, merit that arises from the attainment will reduce the consequences of bad karmas that have followed us from previous lives, from strong to weak, from weak to none, or from bad to good. There are many kammas that we had done in past lives as we all had been born countless times. Most people had committed bad deeds, small or big, to a certain extent in past lives, resulting in hardship in the present life. This is because of Ignorance (Avijja) inside the mind that prevented us from knowing the truth of life, where we were from, why we are here, what the purpose of life is, how to achieve such purpose, and the Triple Gem inside, which is the supreme refuge and regard. On the other hand, Ignorance caused us to regard and take refuge in things that are not true refuge and regard. Whenever you can still your mind, the secrets of life will be revealed. As darkness disappears, you will be able to see things via the brightness inside and will find what is already inside us. You will become the one who knows and be able to live your life, right and safe, as a winner.
February 26, 2006

Natural State of the Mind
Our minds usually think about things all the times. Hence, let’s move away from thinking about meaningless things to thinking of the Lord Buddha or the Dhamma in order to link the mind to the point of stillness and consequently attain the true happiness within.
May 27, 2007

When the Mind Is in Its Balanced State
When the mind is in its balanced state, the mind moves inward by itself. There will be a feeling that the body and the mind keep expanding until the body blends in with the atmosphere as if there were only a still mind with no physical body. The mind will be secluded from sensual pleasures and unwholesome matters, becoming focused and pure. Happiness will arise at the same time. The mind will become concentrated and neutral.
February 12, 2006

When the Mind is in the Right Balance, You'll See for Yourself
Keep practicing to still your mind as a habit. When the mind is in the right balance, you’ll see for yourself. When it is not in the right balance, there is no brightness. Thus, you cannot see even though the Dhamma already exists within. When the mind comes to a standstill, brightness occurs. This experience is automatic. Attainment of the Dhamma relies on practice. You should train your mind every day. You should have willingness and love to train the mind to stand still by reminding yourself the benefits of mind training such as happiness, attainment of transcendental inner bodies, and attainment of the Dhamma. After seeing the benefits of meditation, then you will have passion in meditation, followed by putting effort into it, staying focused with it, and self-examination to find the right balance. When you do it right, the mind will be in the right balance.
February 12, 2006

Just Keep the Mind Still
Let go of everything and keep the mind still at the seventh base of the mind located at the center of the body and keep on repeating the Mantra “Samma Arahang”.
August 2, 2009

Spending More Time for Meditation
As you give priority to meditation and spend more time meditating, you will recognize and understand more. If you cannot clearly visualize a meditation object, it is ok. Just feel that there is something at the seventh base. It will gradually be better. Similar to the way gas is transformed to liquid and then to solid, the feeling that there is something shapeless inside will transform to a sphere that is bright and clear. Then, the mind will break free from external feelings to another dimension that is more refined. There will be a bright and clear sphere at the center of the body. The mind will be clean and clear. You will be delighted that you can do it and that you can overcome distraction, sleepiness, or any other obstacles. Delight and happiness will arise. You will feel that the body becomes lighter and that the mind is softer, at ease, and calm. Eventually, the mind will move inwards in a vertical direction, extending all around in every direction. It is a wonderful experience that leads to clear sight like seeing an object that is brought of the dark. At the same time, brightness will arise, eliminating the inner darkness.
January 13, 2008

Two Times a Day
You only need to meditate two times a day: while your eyes are closed and while your eyes are open. That’s enough.
May 21, 2008

Be Observant
When you have a good meditation session, you should observe how you keep your mind during the session and your mood throughout the day. Once you find your way, the next step is not difficult. It’s a bit hard for the first stillness but is achievable. The first stillness of the mind requires practice, day and night. Whether you are working, studying, or doing anything, you have to continually think of the seventh base of the mind all the times.
December 24, 2006

The More You Learn, the Easier It Is
Learning worldly knowledge starts from simple subjects and moves towards more and most difficult ones, but still limited. Oppositely, Vijja Dhammakaya starts with the difficult, but not that difficult, that is, the first stillness and sequentially moves to the easier and easiest parts.
May 31, 2008

Train Yourself until Skillful
Train your mind to a standstill on a regular basis for as many hours as possible. Then, you will become skillful such that when you bring the mind back to the center of the body, it will automatically become still. It may be difficult to achieve the first stillness because the mind has never stayed still before. After the first stillness, it will be easier. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t be careless. You have to do it often in every movement whether while you are sitting, lying, standing, or walking, in accordance with daily life. While the physical body moves on the outside, the mind is kept to a standstill inside with the Dhamma sphere, inner transcendental body, or the Dhammakaya that is bright and clear at all times. You can do this when you are skillful. Skill comes from perseverance. You have to practice doing it in every movement. Then, keep noticing that you are doing it right or not by checking whether you become too tense or too relaxed. Then, adjust it to the right level.
29 January 2006

The Place to Keep the Mind at
Don’t cling your mind to other people, animals, or other objects because these things keep changing and progressing towards their ending. If you are attached to them, you will suffer. Why would you cling your mind to them? The only place you should keep your mind at is the seventh base of the mind at the center of the body.
October 31, 2008

Visualization Is Not Imagination
Some people think what they see during meditation sessions is from “imagination”. The word “imagination” is as an obstacle to the elevation of the mind. You have to understand that when you think of a meditation object, it is visualization not imagination. If you think that it is imagination, you will lack of confidence and it will hinder your progress. Therefore, there is no imagination. If the mind is not still, you cannot visualize.
December 27, 2007

Only a Refined Mind Can See
Don’t expect to see this and that or something you’ve heard about. Basically, just keep your mind familiar with the seventh base at the center of the body and let it become still. After attaining happiness as a result of meditation, what you will see inside will come by itself because they are inside us. There is no need to search for anything. Since these things are subtle, your mind can see them only when it is refined to the same level.

Meditation Practice is Like a Growing Tree
Every time you meditate, purity grows little by little as the mind is polished, filtered, and more refined. Concentration will gradually build up little by little, like a termite mound gradually grows as termites bring in more clay or like a tree gradually but unnoticeably grows and finally bears fruits as it receives water.
May 28, 2006

No One Can Do It for You
You have to train the mind to become still by yourself. No one can do it for you. It is an individual task. Thus, you must manage your time and give priority to meditation because this is your real task. Any other tasks are just carried out with the aim to support your living to find a way out of suffering.
January 29, 2006

Do not Take it for Granted that You are Still Young
While you are still young and healthy, don’t waste your time on meaningless matters. Physically, you have been detached from the world to a certain extent, that is, free from many worldly tasks and activities. Mentally, you have to become detached from the world in order to let the mind return to the inside. Then, you can learn Vijja Dhammakaya. At present, you should take advantage of your strong health. In the future, when you get weak or have health problems, you will not be in the mood to meditate. Everyone must be aware of this and give priority to practicing meditation.
November 2, 2008

What is the Essence of Life?
In fact, this is nothing quintessential in the entire world whether it is about living and nonliving objects such as people, animals, belongings or any subjects such as business or job. Nothing is the essence of life. The important thing is to train the mind to stay still and to be pure in order to attain the Dhammakaya. After we die, we cannot take anything with us except merit and demerit. The whole world is like this. Therefore, the essence of life is keeping the mind still and let the mind take the inner journey to meet the true refuge and regard inside.
February 15, 2016

More Important Than Anything Else
How do we live for the maximum benefit of being born as a human being? What is the ultimate goal of life? To answer these questions, one must look at the person who achieved the ultimate goal of life, namely, the Lord Buddha and all Arahants. They have achieved the ultimate goal of life in the Cycle of Rebirths (Samsara), i.e., being able to end suffering and be freed from defilements. Earning money for a living and for merit making through donation is less important, although important, since we are all born to seek the noble matter in life.
January 18, 2009

We Were Born for This
Practicing meditation in order to attain the Dhammakaya is the most important thing in life. We have to realize that we were born for this. As long as we haven’t found the Triple Gem inside us, we will never know true happiness nor feel secure but rather be terrified of death and all kinds of danger. All these feelings will be gone and replaced by boundless happiness only after we attain the Triple Gem which is already in us. This can be done in a simple manner by closing your eyes gently, making yourself comfortable, and calming your mind. You may let yourself drift away if you are sleepy or open your eyes when you have wandering thoughts and restart your meditation again. The formula is “stillness brings success”. When the mind stops from wandering, you will be able to attain the Dhammakaya.
August 22, 2004

Goal of Meditation
We practice meditation to purity the mind, not for fame, praise, nor any other kinds of return. The more we do it, the more our mind is purified, clean, and joyful, leading to attainment of pure wisdom which let us see things as they really are and live our life happily in the right way. When you get sick, you should keep the mind valiant, noble, happy, and clung to merit, Dhamma, and Inner Triple Gem that is bright and clear. If you can do this, you will still be happy until the last moment of your life. After passing away, you will be even happier in heaven.
May 15, 2002

Attaining the Dhammakaya Is Not Difficult
Meditation is the easiest thing in the world. There is nothing easier than this. You just close our eyes and relax comfortably without thinking about anything at all. Soon, you will attain what is already within you, just like the Lord Buddha and all the Arahants. The only thing left is that you have to do it consistently. Let nothing be an excuse whether it is sickness, sleepiness, responsibility, economic condition, or the surrounding. Nothing is an obstacle for meditation practice to attain the Dhammakaya within.
August 19, 2007

True Happiness Is Inside Us
Our mind have been unsettled from the 7th base for a long time. The word “Scattered Mind” refers to the mind that has been attached to many different matters since birth. Throughout our lives, we have never found true happiness since true happiness is at the seventh base of the mind at the center of the body. Therefore, we must bring the mind back to its original location, the position that will make us happy and feel fulfilled.
January 24, 2010

Ultimate Happiness Can Be Attained with a Still Mind
The Lord Buddha discovered that true happiness lies within us. There is no need to search anywhere. He concluded that “Natthi Santiparam Sukham”, meaning still mind is the ultimate happiness, that is, the mind that is free from external emotion and pleasure derived from visual objects, sound, odor, taste, touch, and mental objects. Everything around us is not real. They are temporary and will soon come to an end. Thus, we should not be attached to them or think that they belong to us or that this is us. Such attachment does not do anything except causes suffering. The real thing is in the middle of our mind, the place where we should keep the mind still.
August 28, 1988

A Still Mind Gives Rise to Great Merit
You have to train your mind to become still. Other things like people, animals, objects, work and business are not the essence of life. Stopping the mind from wandering is the quintessence of life that will allow you to attain the Triple Gem within. We all were born for this. You have to take every second to train your mind to stay still. Stopping the mind for the duration of an eye blink gives rise to greater merit than building temple facilities because it is the path to Nibbana, the way to be free from defilements. When you stop the mind for a moment, happiness will pour out. So, stopping the mind from wandering and keeping it still is the most important thing in life.
March 5, 2002

A Well-trained Mind Brings Happiness
The mind must be trained and mentally developed. A trained mind will greatly benefit yourself as it can transform an ordinary person to an enlightened one. A person who is not easily angry and kind to others is a kind of person people want to be with. If one does not get angry at all, he deserves respect from others. A lot of wonderful things can happen when one can get rid of anger. If one can eliminate greed, it will be many times better. As the proverb says, “Happiness and prosperity originates from the mind”. When you train your mind for the better, many good things such as wealth and recognition will come as byproducts. Since the mind is the source of all happiness and prosperity, it should be trained. Training the mind is the most important thing in life because besides being a source of merit, it also brings auspiciousness to us as well.
August 26, 1982

It’s That Simple
A language teacher once said, “Learning a language must be simple and straightforward because language or sentences originated from ordinary villagers, not from educated people. Each sentence consists of subject, verb, and object. Later on, words and phrases have been complexly arranged to make sentences sound elegant but still have the same meanings. It is the same as meditation practice. In fact, it is simple, relaxing, and easily achievable. Just pretend that you have the mind of an innocent child. Then, you can attain the Dhammakaya with ease. Unbelievable matters and other secrets such as Hell, Heaven, and Nibbana will be revealed, similar to the way the sunlight brightens the room after the window curtain is open. It’s that simple.
May 30, 1999

Do Not Be Reckless
We all have limited time in our life and will not be living for much longer time. Time flies. As day goes by, we get older. In fact, we sleep with old people every day in our beds, i.e., we sleep with our aging selves having deteriorating health. Soon, our bodies will be cremated or buried. There is not much time left. Don’t think that you have plenty of time remained. Don’t procrastinate practice of meditation. If you behave like this, you are reckless. Instead, you must consider what you should take as a refuge if you die this second and what you should take with you to life after death. Thinking this way, you will not be reckless. Those who cannot attain the Dhammakaya are those who have not done it. It is not about having great merit or little merit. It depends on whether you do it or not.
September 6, 1993

Strong Health is For Doing Wholesome Deeds
While you are still healthy, you must spend time practicing meditation to the fullest. Don’t use your strength for anything else that is not wholesome because there is no benefit in doing it. If you use your strength to commit unwholesome deeds, there will be negative consequences. You will regret for not utilizing your strength the right way. The important thing in meditation practice is strength and no worry. Both are significant. If you do other things until becoming exhausted, you will not have enough strength to do good deeds. Therefore, while still being strong and healthy, you must practice meditation and do wholesome deeds with the fullest effort.

Lifting the Mind up
The more you lift your mind up, the broader you will to see. The feeling of differentiation will be gone. If the mind is not elevated, people may hurt each other via thoughts, spoken words, and actions, leading to fighting and killing. Hence, it is urgently needed to lift the mind up.
January 26, 2004

Practice Thinking about Good Things
You must train yourself to think about good things only as they brought wholesomeness to the mind. When you have bad thoughts and are aware of them, just let go and teach yourself that you will try not to think like that again. At first, the mind may still become clouded due to bad thoughts even though you already stop thinking about them. This is similar to the way you control a car. The car does not stop right away after you hit the brake due to inertia. Inside the mind, the inertia left from bad thoughts may still cause the mind to be clouded. “Aware of it, you lose half. Unaware of it, you lose all.” At first, it may be difficult to stop thinking about bad things. There may be times that you just lose control and continue thinking negative. If you keep on practicing, it will get better. Ultimately, you will be able to stop it once you are aware that bad thought is forming. Practice makes perfect.
March 27, 1980

Training the Mind during the Day
Meditation can be done in any posture during daily activities. You should observe your own actions, speech, and thoughts whether you do everything neatly enough. If you can do daily activities such as sweeping the floor, washing dishes, chopping vegetables, and any other chores neatly, you can train the mind to the right balance. Then, the Dhamma will emerge as brightness in the mind. Take Khun Yai as an example. She did all her works neatly. When it’s time to meditate, she did it very well.
April 23, 1981

Physical and Mental Tasks Must Go Together
We have to manage time to search for the path to Nibbana at least one or two hours a day. For the remaining hours, we should try to keep our mind focused at the center of the body while doing daily tasks. Physical and mental tasks must go together. One who can do these tasks at the same time is considered an excellent time manager, a thoughtful person who is determined to achieve the goal. Physical and mental tasks should not contradict one another. Physical tasks such as doing business or studying should not be an excuse for the lack of time to practice meditation. Weak health and illness should not be, either. We all have very limited time in our life and may die any second without prior notice.
July 17, 2000

“Samma Arahang” Can Refine Your Mind
You should repeat the Mantra “Samma Arahang” in the mind along with other daily activities. Do it continually and joyfully in every gesture and every task. Enjoy yourself in doing it because you are doing good deeds. Reciting the Mantra “Samma Arahang” in the mind can be done at any times. If you do it when you get angry, the anger will go away. If you do it when you suffer, the suffering will go away. If you do it when you are happy, more happiness will arise. Repeating “Samma Arahang” in the mind does not contradict with our livelihood at all. You can do it along with other activities, similar to the way people talk, listen, or do other tasks while driving. Therefore, you should recite “Samma Arahang” in the mind joyfully during daily activities.
November 6, 1988

Salvation for Mankind
All over the world, some people are happy while others are suffering. Happiness and suffering is everywhere. There is only one way to be relieved from suffering which is to look back into ourselves to stop the mind to a standstill until attaining the Triple Gem inside. It’s time not to quarrel nor contradict with others. It’s time to overlook the differences to realize the similarity inside. This is the salvation for all mankind. If everyone does this, the world will experience true peace. It’s time to stop arguing and bring the mind inside to a standstill.
August 15, 2007
- The Perfections [paramita] are virtues such as generosity, selfdiscipline, renunciation, wisdom, patience, perseverance, sincerity, resolution, loving-kindness and equanimity. Pursuit of Perfections is a lifestyle of dedicatedly cultivating such virtues.
- Having a clear and wholesome Purpose in Life is very important to meditators. Apart from having the Pursuit of Perfection as our aim in life (see above), we aim to be self-suffi cient materially by earning an honest living and meditating until we can attain the inner Body of Enlightenment or ‘Dhammakaya’.
- Translated according to context as ‘the teachings of the Buddha’, ‘inner knowledge’, and ‘pure knowledge’.
- The scriptural term for the ‘inner Body of Enlightenment’.
- The Buddha in his previous lifetimes of accumulating perfections.