Many projects initiated and run by Wat Phra Dhammakaya have received international recognition such that different awards have been offered to Luang Por Dhammajayo, Wat Phra Dhammakaya, and the Dhammakaya Foundation over the years. Some of these awards are:

- 25 February 2556 B.E.(2013) : Noble Peace Award from the World Buddhist Sangha Youth (WBSY) was presented to Luang Por Dhammajayo on February 25, 2013. The award was presented by Most Venerable Mugunuwela Anuruddha Thero, Secretary General of the WBSY, and Vice Admiral Jayanath Colombage, Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, representing the Honorable Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.
- 25 February 25560 B.E.(2013) : The Association for the Protection of Afghan Archaeology presented an honorific plaque to Luang Por Dhammajayo on February 25, 2013 in recognition of his tremendous support in the effort to protect and preserve an invaluable 2000-year-old ancient Buddhist site at Mes Aynak in Afghanistan.
- 25 January 2555 B.E.(2012) : Guinness World Records. The longest journey walking on flower petals is 427.8 km (265.82 miles) and was achieved by 1,127 Buddhist monks, who walked across Thailand on the Dhammakaya Dhutanga pilgrimage to welcome the year 2012 in Thailand, between 2 and 25 January 2012.
- 22 May 2551 B.E.(2008) : Outstanding Radio and TV Stations for the promotion of Buddhism from the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand. The award was received in recognition of DMC programs and their translation into English and Chinese. DMC started its 24 hours a day worldwide broadcast in 2002.
- 26 September 2550 B.E.(2007) : The 28th Telly Awards, U.S.A. Twelve awards were received in recognition of DMC’s unique and quality Dhamma programs.
- 3 March 2550 B.E.(2007) : Universal Peace Award from Buddhist leaders who attended the third WBSY meeting in Sri Lanka. The award was received in recognition of Luang Por Dhammajayo’s outstanding work in propagating Buddhism.
- 2-5 December 2549 B.E.(2006) : The WBSY committee anonymously agreed to present the most honorable Universal Peace Award – the highest award in commemoration of year 2550 B.E. – to Luang Por Dhammajayo, the president of Dhammakaya Foundation whose work in dissemination of Buddhism for more than 30 years is vitally recognized.
- 3 December 2549 B.E.(2006) : Honorary Shield from the representatives of the four southern provinces. The award was received on December 3, 2006 in recognition of Luang Por Dhammajayo’s effort to help floods victims in different provinces in 2006.
- 22 April 2548 B.E.(2005) : Luang Por Dhammajayo gained the second time international recognition. Mr. S.P. Varma, the Secretary-general of Akhil Bharat Rachanatmak Samaj presented Luang Por Dhammajayo with the Mahatama Gandhi Peace Award for his four-decade of devotion towards promoting the world peace and the youth development.
- 23 February 2548 B.E.(2005) : The Thai Senate offered an honourific plaque to Luang Por Dhammajayo, the President of Dhammakaya Foundation, on Magha Puja Day 23rd February 2005. The graceful event took place amid 100,000 attendants in front of the Dhammakaya Cetiya. The honour was the result of the devoting contributions of Luang Por Dhammajayo toward the two Memorial Services in Phuket and Pang-Nga Provinces right after the attack of the tsunami in December 2004.
- 19 January 2548 B.E.(2005) : The Senate Medal was received on February 23, 2005 in recognition of the memorial services organized for the Tsunami victims in Phuket on January 5, 2005 and in Phang-nga.
- 31 May 2547 B.E.(2004) : Luang Por Dhammajayo has continuously campaigned for no-smoking for the past 34 years since the establishment of Wat Phra Dhammakaya. The success of the smoke-free campaign owns its due to the campaigning network he has established. Thus World Health Organization gave Him the Tobacco-Free World Award of 2004.
- 5 December 2537 B.E.(1994) : University of Maha Chulalongkorn Raja Vidhayalai offered Honorary Doctorate degree in Buddhist Studies.
- 5 December 2534 B.E.(1991) : Promotion to the lower Royal Order title Phrasudharmayanathera with the presentation of an honorific fan by His Majesty the King of Thailand.