AZUSA arranged One Day Retreat for Americans


On Saturday November 8th, 2014, Dhammakaya International Meditation Center (D.I.M.C.) arranged the One Day Retreat for American people.  There were over 30 participants in this program.

In this retreat, participants began at 8.30a.m. with some exercise to relax their bodies. After this everybody meditated together in Phramongkolthepmuni’s Room.  In the afternoon, they enjoyed some recreation activities, then practiced mindfulness through walking meditation which let them be in harmony.  After this they meditated together and then shared their inner experiences.  Even though many participants had only meditated for the first time they had good meditation experiences, such as their bodies becoming lighter or expanding or seeing inner light, etc.


Moreover, some of them were able to apply meditation to heal their insomnia, or aches and pains as well.  At the end of this program, everyone lit candles together and spread their loving–kindness to the humans and other beings in the world for real world peace (through inner peace).

We share this merit to all meritorious people around the world.


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